Sunday, May 3, 2009

Your Input Needed


I received the following email this past week.  I know that many of you who read this blog are very intentional about your home being the church and Jesus Christ permeating every aspect of your lives and the lives of your family. 

I feel this email asks a very pertinent question of which all of us would probably like to receive feedback.  I will give some of my thoughts and suggestions in a comment below the post.  If any of you have any comments and/or suggestions in this area, it would be so helpful if you would respond.  

We are all on this journey through changing times together.  We need each other!

Dear Sis. Melani:

Thank you for participating in the panel at Ladies' Conference in spite of your not feeling well.  Much of what you had to say truly resonated with me.  In fact, that is what has prompted me to write.  I would love to hear your practical ideas concerning "de-compartmentalizing" the spiritual and the natural.  I long to have that Jesus-centered home and strive to that end, yet I often feel like I am scheduling Him into our routine or pouncing on teachable moments rather than having Him eat, sleep, live, and breathe with us.  I would like very much to feel like the physical and the spiritual cohabit naturally.  I would truly welcome your suggestions and instruction regarding keeping Jesus in all things in our family.  We are truly blessed to have a wonderful family, and I long to allow Jesus to reap a hundred fold from all that He has sown into us.  Our children are 11 and 15. Thank you for any recommendations you choose to give.  
