Sunday, November 27, 2011

day 4 - come. let us go...

The Holiday season is just beginning. The Season has just started. The anticipation of the coming event has just begun.

So come, let us go and worship.

Still basking in the glow of thankfulness, senses still heightened to the blessings of the year, our focus has now begun to shift a bit to the "to-do" list. We wake in the night to add to it. We work hard to shut off the thoughts of it during pre-dawn conversations with Him. We struggle to retain the focus of the reason for the season.

Isn't that the biggest struggle of the entire event? The fight to resist the expectations, the commercialism, the busyness?

This 4th day is our center. Our balance beam. Our stabilizing bar of the up and the down.

Come, let us go and worship.

We will enter with thanksgiving and praise. We will remember the ultimate gift. And we will allow Him to speak softly to us as He directs us to the hurting hearts in our world, rendered vulnerable by the Season.

Come, let us go and worship.

Let us bring our offering to him as a collective body--our chosen ecclesia--and offer him our unified commitment to keep Him at the forefront of the coming weeks. Power down the smartphone, close the computer, take out the headphones. Lay aside the pad and pen, forget about the budget, re-visit forgiveness. Let us remember Mary's loneliness, focus on Josephs's unselfishness, and pray to obtain the blind trust of the wise men.

Come, let us go and worship.

"We will go into his tabernacles: we will worship at his footstool."
~Psalm 132:7

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